Design Creation & Installation of Emergency Evacuation DiagramsWe can provide custom designed evacuation diagrams to your facility or precinct to meet all regulatory requirements and standards. |
Emergency Evacuation Diagrams are considered one of the most important requirements pertaining to emergency planning for buildings and precincts within Australia.
Common questions around the requirement to have evacuation diagrams, are whether there is a regulatory requirement to display evacuation diagrams; the answer is YES.
For buildings within QueensLand, the QLD Building Fire Safety Regulation sets out the regulatory requirements to establish, review and maintain building evacuation diagrams.
For buildings and precicnts located within all other Australian States, the WHS Regulation 2017 and Shared Workplaces
Emergency Management Software with Every Diagram
Our Global Leading EVAC One emergency management software provides a next level feature to your emergency evacuation diagrams. Building occupants and visitors can simply tap or scan the QR code and receive your site specific emergency procedures, there exact position in the building / precinct and the location of assembly areas.
Minimum ElementsAustralian Standard AS 3745-2010 Clause 3.5.5 lists a range of elements which must be included in an evacuation diagram:
| Optional ElementsAustralian Standard AS 3745-2010 Clause 3.5.6 lists some optional elements which may be considered by the EPC for inclusion on the diagrams.
Installation of Evacuation DiagramsThe most important thing to remember when installing Evacuation Diagrams is to follow the position requirements mentioned above – 1200mm to 1600mm off finished floor level. Evacuation diagrams are often installed to fire doors (e.g. entrance doors to apartments, or hotel rooms, and fire stairs), as well as smoke doors and fire rated walls. In doing so care must be taken to ensure the fire-rating of the door or wall is not impacted by using screws or similar fasteners. | ||||||||
Style, Design & Format OptionsWe can supply our Evacuation Diagrams in many designs and materials to suit all design requirements and style. We can provide UV Solvent Evacuation Diagrams designed for outdoor areas. Diagrams can be made of: