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Evacuation Diagrams


What are the Australian Standard Requirements for an evacuation diagram?

Minimum Elements

Australian Standard AS 3745-2010 Clause 3.5.5 lists a range of elements which must be included in an evacuation diagram:

  • You Are Here symbol
  • Designated exit points and evacuation paths- Fire extinguishers and types
  • Fire blankets
  • Validity Date (this is slightly different for Queensland)
  • A symbol legend
  • Location of the workplace & site address/facility name if applicable
  • Assembly point location either written or in a picture
Optional Elements

Australian Standard AS 3745-2010 Clause 3.5.6 lists some optional elements which may be considered by the EPC for inclusion on the diagrams.

  • First aid kits & Defibrillators
  • North direction
  • Emergency Information –in accordance with your Evacuation Plan
  • Spill response kits
  • Direction of door openings for emergency doors
  • Electrical switchboards
  • Fire hydrants

Installation of Evacuation Diagrams

The most important thing to remember when installing Evacuation Diagrams is to follow the position requirements mentioned above – 1200mm to 1600mm off finished floor level.

Evacuation diagrams are often installed to fire doors (e.g. entrance doors to apartments, or hotel rooms, and fire stairs), as well as smoke doors and fire rated walls. In doing so care must be taken to ensure the fire-rating of the door or wall is not impacted by using screws or similar fasteners.